Principal Claritas is now Principal Asset Management Ltda. Learn more about our operations in Brazil.
Four quadrant manager
Real estate solutions across public and private equity and debt.
Trusted experience
Over 65 years of real estate investment experience.1
Broad market access
United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Multiple risk-return options
Core, Core-Plus, Value-Add, and Opportunistic solutions.
Market level expertise
Over 300 tenured investment professionals, providing a deep understanding of local markets.
Research-based investing
Fundamental to assessing relative value within and across the real estate quadrants.
Responsible approach to investing
Driving positive financial and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) outcomes.
Our experienced investment teams provide comprehensive, specialized, and sustainable capabilities across all four quadrants of commercial real estate—public equity, private equity, public debt, and private debt—as well as infrastructure investing. Whatever real estate strategy or combination of strategies you believe is right for your objectives, we can help.
Our investment strategy and research process sits at the heart of our ability to assess relative value globally, both within and across quadrants, and to deliver on investment solutions. Our investment teams rely on our analyses and insights to inform their investment decisions.
Poised for growth
We feel that the long-awaited turning point has arrived for commercial real estate. Read our 2025 outlook for detailed insights.
Get our perspective1 Principal Real Estate Investors became registered with the SEC in November 1999. Activities noted prior to this date were conducted beginning with the real estate investment management area of Principal Life Insurance Company and later Principal Capital Real Estate Investors, LLC, the predecessor firm to Principal Real Estate Investors.
For the top 10 rating: Managers ranked by total worldwide real estate assets (net of leverage, including contributions committed or received, but not yet invested; REOCs are included with equity; REIT securities are excluded), as of 30 June 2024. “The Largest Real Estate Investment Managers,” Pensions & Investments, 7 October 2024.
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Real estate investment options are subject to risks associated with credit, liquidity, interest rate fluctuation, adverse general and local economic conditions, and decreases in real estate values and occupancy rates.
Principal Real Estate is a trade name of Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC, an affiliate of Principal Global Investors.